The effectiveness of premarital skills training model saving Your Marriage before It Starts (SYMBIS) on patterns and damages of engagement couples
couples, damages, engagement, patterns, premaritalAbstract
Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of pre-marital skills training model on saving your marriage before It Starts (SYMBIS) on patterns and damages of engagement couples. Method: The research method was quasi-experimental with experimental group and control group, pre-test, post-test and three-month follow-up and the statistical population was 44 couples referring to Shahid Beheshti University Counseling Center in 2018. From this community, 20 couples were selected by purposeful sampling and randomly assigned 10 couples in each of the two experimental and control groups. The research instrument was a Questionnaire Evaluation and Measurement Patterns and premarital damages Rostami, Navabi Nejad and Farzad's (2019) as well as a premarital skills training program based-model on SYMBIS Parrott and Parrott (2016). Data were analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance. Results: Results show the effect of pre-marriage skills training based-model on Symbis on dysfunctional communication patterns (F= 7.7, P= 0.009), ineffective relationship management patterns (F= 6.91, P= 0.013), improving couples' value system (F= 4.54, P= 0.040), Schema mentality (F= 4.49, P= 0.040), and damaging effects of the core family (F= 10.62, P= 0.003) and This effect was sustained at the follow-up stage. Conclusion: Since teaching marriage consolidation model on saving your marriage before It Starts to identifying dysfunctional communication patterns and modifying these patterns and increasing relationship management skills, it can be used to improve patterns and reduce marital harm.
Copyright (c) 2020 Mehdi Rostami , Shokouh Navabinejad , Valiollah Farzad (Author)

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