The effectiveness of group play therapy on social acceptance and hope in children with cancer


    Rayehe Sanatgar M.A of Clinical Psychology, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
    Maryam Esmaeili * Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Isfahan, Iran


Play therapy, Social desirability, Hope, Children with cancer


Aim: The current study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of group play therapy to improve social acceptance and hope for children with cancer. Method: This study was experimental and population was 10-8-years-old children with cancer in the Sydalshohada hospital of Isfahan. 30 patients were selected for sampling and randomly divided into two groups, test group (n = 15) and control group (n = 15). Subjects Participated in 10 sessions of play therapy and 1-month follow-up after completing the research tools, social acceptance of children scale (Ford and Rubin, 1970) and Snyder hope of children scale (Snyder et al., 1997). Result: The results showed that play therapy training significantly increased the rate of social acceptance (P=0.009, F=7.71) and hope (P=0.005, F=9.53) and these results were stable in the follow-up phase. Conclusion: the results proved that we can use play therapy in improving social acceptance and hope for children with cancer.




How to Cite

Sanatgar , R., & Esmaeili , M. (2020). The effectiveness of group play therapy on social acceptance and hope in children with cancer. Applied Family Therapy Journal (AFTJ) , 1(2), 125-140.

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