Editorial Team

Director in Charge

    Dr. Ebrahim Shabani

Email:  ebrahimshaabaniezdini@gmail.com

Department of Sport Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

[Google Scholar] [Research Gate] [ORCID]  [Scopus]


Cheif editor

  Prof. Nicola Luigi Bragazzi

Email:  robertobragazi@gmail.com

Department of Mathematics andStatistics, Laboratory for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (LIAM), York University, Toronto, Canada

[Google Scholar] [Research Gate] [ORCID]  [Scopus]


Editorial Board

 Dr. Leila Youzbashi

Email: l.youzbashi@znu.ac.ir

Department of sport science , Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran 

[Google scholar] [Research Gate] [ORCID]  [Scopus


Dr. Saman Kamari Songhorabadi
Email: s.kamarisonghorabadi@unitn.it
Department of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, University of Trento, Trento, Italy 
Dr. Mehdi Purmohammad
Email: purmoham@ualberta.ca
Department of Cognitive Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton,Canada 
Dr. Ismail Dergaa
Email: phd.dergaa@gmail.com
Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC), Doha, Qatar
Research Unit Physical Activity, Sport, and Health, UR18JS01, National Observatory of Sport, Tunis 1003, Tunisia 
Dr. Saeid Motevalli
Email: Saeid@ucsiuniversity.edu.my
School of Education, UCSI University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Dr. Nassir Ghaemi
Email: nghaemi@tuftsmedicalcenter.org
 Psychiatry, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Dr. Mansour Sayyah
Email: mansoursayyah@kaums.ac.ir
 Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Dr. Hodjat Hamidi
Email: h_hamidi@kntu.ac.ir
  Associate Professor, IT Group - Faculty of Industrial Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran