A Secure and Reliable Model for Financial Documents Using Digital Signature and Blockchain Technology


  • Fatemeh Mohammad Saeidia Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran Author
  • Mohammad Hadi Zahedi Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran Author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2682-5946
  • Elham Farahani Assistant Professor, Faculty of Computer Engineering, Iranian eUniversity, Tehran, Iran Author


Financial Documents , Blockchain, Digital Signature , Security


Today, financial documents are no longer recorded and stored as paper documents but as digital documents based on the Internet platform. For this reason, the misuse of financial data has increased, leading to extensive research on the secure storage, sharing, and exchange of data. One of the methodologies used in this field is blockchain. To effectively combat these risks, businesses are turning to innovative solutions such as blockchain technology and digital signatures. These advanced technologies provide strong transaction authentication and provide enhanced defense. Digital signatures and blockchain technology work together to increase the security and reliability of digital transactions. Blockchain provides essential elements such as transparency, immutability, and consensus, while digital signatures work to verify authenticity and integrity. Combining these two powerful tools creates a robust solution that creates secure and reliable digital interactions that minimize the risk of fraud and foster trust in the digital ecosystem. This paper explores digital signatures and blockchain technology and explore how they can help improve security. In this study, we have designed a model based on blockchain and digital signature to improve data security by examining existing system models and data exchange security methods. Finally, this research has improved blockchain security for the transfer of financial documents.

Today, financial documents are no longer recorded and stored as paper documents but as digital documents based on the Internet platform. For this reason, the misuse of financial data has increased, leading to extensive research on the secure storage, sharing, and exchange of data. One of the methodologies used in this field is blockchain. To effectively combat these risks, businesses are turning to innovative solutions such as blockchain technology and digital signatures. These advanced technologies provide strong transaction authentication and provide enhanced defense. Digital signatures and blockchain technology work together to increase the security and reliability of digital transactions. Blockchain provides essential elements such as transparency, immutability, and consensus, while digital signatures work to verify authenticity and integrity. Combining these two powerful tools creates a robust solution that creates secure and reliable digital interactions that minimize the risk of fraud and foster trust in the digital ecosystem. This paper explores digital signatures and blockchain technology and explore how they can help improve security. In this study, we have designed a model based on blockchain and digital signature to improve data security by examining existing system models and data exchange security methods. Finally, this research has improved blockchain security for the transfer of financial documents.


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How to Cite

Mohammad Saeidia, F., Zahedi, M. H., & Farahani, E. (2025). A Secure and Reliable Model for Financial Documents Using Digital Signature and Blockchain Technology. AI and Tech in Behavioral and Social Sciences, 23-33. https://journals.kmanpub.com/index.php/aitechbesosci/article/view/3124