Presenting an Emotional Intelligence Model Based on the Psychological Characteristics of AJA Employees


    Javad Eshagy  Department of Geopolitics, Faculty of Political Sciences, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
    Mahdi Pouya PhD student of educational management, Rodehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran
    Hamzeh Alimoradi * Department of Education and Psychology, faculty of Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Emotional Intelligence, Psychological Characteristics, AJA Employees


Objective: The objective of this study is to present a model of emotional intelligence (EI) based on the psychological characteristics of employees of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran (AJA).

Methodology: This qualitative research employed semi-structured interviews to collect data from AJA employees. A purposive sampling method was used to select participants who could provide diverse perspectives on EI. The sample size was determined 25 individuals by theoretical saturation. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed using NVivo software, following a thematic analysis approach to identify key themes and subthemes related to EI.

Findings: The analysis revealed three main themes: emotional awareness, interpersonal skills, and adaptability and stress management. Emotional awareness included subcategories such as self-awareness, social awareness, and emotional regulation. Interpersonal skills encompassed communication, conflict resolution, and relationship management. Adaptability and stress management covered flexibility, resilience, and work-life balance. These themes highlighted the critical role of EI in managing stress, improving teamwork, and enhancing leadership effectiveness. The findings align with previous studies, emphasizing the importance of EI in various professional settings, from education and healthcare to construction and manufacturing.

Conclusion: This study provides a comprehensive model of emotional intelligence tailored to the psychological characteristics of AJA employees. The results underscore the multifaceted nature of EI and its significant impact on professional performance and well-being. Practical recommendations include implementing targeted EI training programs, fostering supportive work environments, and integrating EI assessments in recruitment processes.



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How to Cite

Eshagy, J. ., Pouya, M., & Alimoradi, H. (2023). Presenting an Emotional Intelligence Model Based on the Psychological Characteristics of AJA Employees. Journal of Assessment and Research in Applied Counseling (JARAC), 5(4), 164-172.

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