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2) First decision: 4.2 Weeks
3) Final decision: 4.2 Weeks
4) Publication: 7.4 Weeks
Research in the field of psychology for Individuals With Special Needs aims to understand and address the unique psychological processes and challenges faced by these individuals. This research delves into the cognitive, emotional, and social aspects of development for those with special needs, examining how these factors interplay from early childhood through adulthood. Key areas of focus include the development of communication skills, emotional regulation, social interaction, and adaptive learning strategies. Additionally, these studies explore the impact of environmental factors, such as family dynamics and educational settings, on the psychological well-being of individuals with special needs. The goal is to develop tailored interventions that enhance the quality of life, foster independence, and support the integration of individuals with special needs into society. This research also includes identifying the unique stressors faced by these individuals and their families, and creating strategies to mitigate these challenges.
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From submission to:
1) Send to review: 1.2 Weeks
2) First decision: 4.2 Weeks
3) Final decision: 4.2 Weeks
4) Publication: 7.4 Weeks
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