Editorial Team
Editorial Team
Director in Charge
Dr. Ali Aghaziarati
Department of Psychology and Counseling, KMAN Research Institute, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
Email: aliaghaziarati@kmanresce.ca
[google scholar] [researchgate] [orcid] [Scopus] [Website]
Prof. Dr. Şennur Tutarel Kışlak
Email: sennurkislak@hotmail.com
[google scholar] [researchgate] [orcid] [Scopus] [Website]
Editorial Board
Professor Andrés M. Pérez-Acosta
Observatory of Self-Medication Behavior, School of Medicineand Health Sciences, Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia
Email: andres.perez@urosario.edu.co
[google scholar] [researchgate] [orcid] [Scopus] [Website]
Dr. Jordy Tasserie
Email: jtasserie@bwh.harvard.edu
Center for Brain Circuit Therapeutics Department of Neurology Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
[google scholar] [researchgate] [orcid] [Scopus]
Dr. Trevor Archer
Email: trevorcsarcher49@gmail.com
Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
[google scholar] [researchgate] [orcid] [Website]
Dr. Sergio Tobon
Email: stobon5@yahoo.es
Associate Professor, Ekap University Mount Dora, United States
[google scholar] [researchgate] [orcid] [Website]
Dr. Eirini Karakasidou
Email: irene_karakasidou@panteion.gr
Department of Psychology, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, Greece
[google scholar] [researchgate] [orcid] [Website]
Dr. Hamid Reza Aghamohammadian sharbaf
Email: aghamohammadian@um.ac.ir
Professor of Psychology Department, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran [google scholar] [researchgate] [orcid] [Website]
Dr. Bahram Jowkar
Email: jowkar@shirazu.ac.ir
Professor of Psychology Department, Shiraz University, Iran [google scholar] [researchgate] [orcid] [Website]
Dr. Reza Bagherian Sararoudi
Email: bagherian@med.mui.ac.ir
Professor, Medicine Behavioral Sciences Research Center Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran [google scholar] [researchgate] [orcid] [Website]
Dr. Shahryar Yarmohamadi vasel
Email: m.yarmihamadivasel@basu.ac.ir
Professor, Department of Psychology, Bo Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran [google scholar] [researchgate] [orcid] [Website]