From submission to:
1) Send to review: 1.1 Weeks
2) First decision: 4.2 Weeks
3) Final decision: 4.2 Weeks
4) Publication: 7.5 Weeks
Editorial Team
Director in Charge
MohammadBagher Jafari
Email: jafaricul@gmail.com
Department of Sociology of Culture, Istanbul, Türkiye
Department of Sociology of Culture, KMAN Research Institute, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
[google scholar] [researchgate] [orcid]
Chief Editor
Dr. Mehdi Rostami
Email: mehdirostami@kmanresce.ca
Department of Psychology and Counseling, KMAN Research Institute, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
[google scholar] [researchgate] [orcid] [WOS] [Website]
Handling Editor
Dr. Sefa Bulut
Associate Profesor, Head of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Department, Ibn Haldun University, Turkey
[google scholar] [researchgate] [orcid] [Website] [Scopus]
Editorial Board
Prof. Sergii Boltivets
Email: sboltivets@ukr.net
Chief Researcher of the Department of Scientific Support of Social Formation of Youth. Mykhailo Drahomanov University, Ukraine
[google scholar] [researchgate] [orcid] [Website] [Scopus]
Prof. Salami Mutiu Olagoke
Email: salami@fpm.upsi.edu.my
Department of Psychology and Counselling, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Perak, Malaysia
[google scholar] [researchgate] [orcid] [Scopus]
Prof. Maximus Monaheng Sefotho
Email: msefotho@uj.ac.za
Director of the Neurodiversity Center Department of Educational Psychology, University of Johannesburg & University of South Africa
[google scholar] [researchgate] [orcid] [Scopus]
From submission to:
1) Send to review: 1.1 Weeks
2) First decision: 4.2 Weeks
3) Final decision: 4.2 Weeks
4) Publication: 7.5 Weeks
Number of Volumes
Number of Issues
Acceptance Rate
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