About the Journal
Current Issue
Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Serial Number 8
The Psychological Research in Individuals with Exceptional Needs (PRIEN) Journal, established in 2023, is a pioneering international academic journal dedicated to the multifaceted field of psychology and its application to individuals with exceptional needs. The journal's scope encompasses a diverse range of topics such as developmental psychology, educational psychology, cognitive and behavioral therapy, neuropsychology, special education, adaptive technology, mental health, social integration, and policy development in support of individuals with disabilities or giftedness. Its primary aim is to promote the understanding, support, and advancement of individuals with unique psychological needs, whether they are developmental, emotional, cognitive, or gifted. PRIEN Journal invites contributions in the form of high-quality original research articles, comprehensive review articles (including narrative, scoping, systematic, and integrative reviews), thought-provoking editorials, concise short communications, and insightful letters to the editor. Committed to maintaining rigorous standards, the journal employs a thorough open peer review process to ensure research integrity and transparency. Adhering to a gold open access model, PRIEN Journal guarantees unrestricted online access to its content, fostering a global exchange of knowledge and ideas in this critical field.
From submission to:
1) Send to review ~ 2 Weeks
2) First decision ~ 4 Weeks
3) Final decision ~ 5 Weeks
4) Publication ~ 8 Weeks
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