The Impact of Psychological Safety on Voluntary and Deviant Work Behaviors of Physical Education Teachers with the Mediating Role of Organizational Voice
The purpose of the present research was to investigate the effect of psychological safety on the voluntary and deviant work behaviors of physical education teachers in Golestan province, with the mediating role of organizational voice. This applied research is correlational, and data collection was conducted in the field. The statistical population included 575 physical education teachers in Golestan province in the year 2022, with a sample size of 228 teachers estimated based on Cochran's formula. Stratified random sampling method was used to select the research sample. Data for this research were collected using three standard questionnaires on psychological safety, voluntary work behaviors, deviant behaviors, and organizational voice. The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by experts in sports management, and their reliability was calculated in a preliminary study using Cronbach's alpha as 0.80, 0.78, 0.70, and 0.79, respectively. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. SPSS 25 and Smart PLS 3 software were used for data analysis. Psychological safety has a positive and significant effect on the voluntary work behaviors of physical education teachers. It was also found that the effect of psychological safety on the organizational voice of physical education teachers is positive and significant. Another part of the results showed that psychological safety has a negative and significant effect on the deviant behaviors of physical education teachers. It was determined that the effect of psychological safety on the voluntary work behaviors of physical education teachers with the mediating role of organizational voice is positive and significant. Considering the results obtained, it seems advisable to choose an appropriate management style to prevent the occurrence of negative behaviors and create a collaborative work environment where physical education teachers can discuss and exchange views on their work processes alongside other teachers.
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