From submission to:
1) Send to review: 1.1 Weeks
2) First decision: 2.5 Weeks
3) Final decision: 3.5 Weeks
4) Publication: 6.1 Weeks
Authors are invited to make a submission to this journal. All submissions will be assessed by an editor to determine whether they meet the aims and scope of this journal. Those considered to be a good fit will be sent for peer review before determining whether they will be accepted or rejected.
International Journal of Sport Studies for Health (INTJSSH) accepts the manuscripts in the following types:
A) Original Research
Original Research articles are the cornerstone of scientific inquiry in any field. These articles present the results of new and innovative research conducted by the authors. They typically follow a structured format that includes an introduction, methodology, results, and discussion. Authors are encouraged to provide detailed descriptions of their research methods, data collection, and analysis techniques to ensure transparency and reproducibility. Original Research articles should contribute novel insights to the field, advancing our understanding of a particular topic or problem. These articles often include tables, figures, and statistical analyses to support the findings. Authors are expected to draw meaningful conclusions from their research and discuss the implications of their work for the broader scientific community. To ensure a smooth and efficient review process, please adhere to the following guidelines when preparing and submitting your manuscript:
1. Scope and Fit:
2. Manuscript Preparation:
3. Abstract and Keywords:
4. Ethics and Permissions:
5. Methods and Materials:
6. Results and Discussion:
7. Discussion Conclusion:
8. References:
9. Figures and Tables:
B) Review Articles
Review Articles provide comprehensive and critical summaries of existing research on a specific topic or research area. Authors of Review Articles are expected to have a deep understanding of the subject matter and to critically evaluate and synthesize the existing literature. These articles often serve as valuable resources for researchers, students, and professionals seeking a comprehensive overview of a particular field. Review Articles typically include an introduction that outlines the scope of the review, a well-organized discussion of the key findings and trends in the literature, and a conclusion that summarizes the main takeaways and may suggest directions for future research. Authors may also provide insights and perspectives to enhance the understanding of the topic. To ensure a smooth and efficient review process, please adhere to the following guidelines when preparing and submitting your manuscript:
1. Scope and Fit:
2. Manuscript Preparation:
3. Abstract and Keywords:
4. Scope of the Review:
5. Literature Review:
6. Methodology (if applicable):
7. Discussion:
8. Conclusion:
9. References:
10. Figures and Tables:
C) Case Report
Case Report articles present detailed accounts of specific clinical cases or instances that are unusual, noteworthy, or instructive in some way. These articles provide valuable insights into the diagnosis, treatment, or management of rare or complex medical conditions. Authors of Case Reports are expected to provide a thorough description of the case, including the patient's history, clinical presentation, diagnostic tests, treatment strategies, and outcomes. They may also discuss the broader implications of the case for clinical practice or research. Case Reports are essential for disseminating clinical knowledge and sharing experiences that can inform healthcare professionals' decision-making and improve patient care. o facilitate the submission and review process, please adhere to the following guidelines when preparing and submitting your manuscript:
1. Scope and Fit:
2. Manuscript Preparation:
3. Abstract and Keywords:
4. Case Presentation:
5. Discussion:
6. Conclusion:
7. References:
8. Figures and Tables:
9. Patient Consent:
D) Letter to Editor
Letter to Editor articles offer a platform for authors to express their opinions, provide feedback, or comment on previously published material in the journal. These articles are typically concise and focused, with a clear and specific message or argument. Authors may use Letters to the Editor to address issues or questions raised by other articles in the journal, to highlight important developments or controversies in their field, or to share brief research findings or observations that do not warrant a full research article. Letters to the Editor should be well-written, respectful, and contribute to the scholarly discourse within the journal's scope. To ensure a smooth review process, please adhere to the following guidelines when preparing and submitting your manuscript:
1. Scope and Fit:
2. Manuscript Preparation:
3. Purpose and Content:
4. Figures and Tables:
5. References:
E) Commentary
Commentary articles provide authors with a valuable platform to express their unique insights, opinions, or critical perspectives on a specific topic, issue, or recent developments within a particular field. These articles serve as a medium for authors to engage with and contribute to ongoing scholarly conversations in a concise and focused manner. To ensure a smooth submission and review process, please adhere to the following guidelines when preparing and submitting your manuscript:
1. Scope and Fit:
2. Manuscript Preparation:
3. Abstract and Keywords:
4. Introduction:
5. Main Commentary:
6. Discussion:
7. Conclusion:
8. References:
9. Figures and Tables:
Before making a submission, authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any material included with the submission, such as photos, documents and datasets. All authors identified on the submission must consent to be identified as an author. Where appropriate, research should be approved by an appropriate ethics committee in accordance with the legal requirements of the study's country.
An editor may desk reject a submission if it does not meet minimum standards of quality. Before submitting, please ensure that the study design and research argument are structured and articulated properly. The title should be concise and the abstract should be able to stand on its own. This will increase the likelihood of reviewers agreeing to review the paper. When you're satisfied that your submission meets this standard, please follow the checklist below to prepare your submission.
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
From submission to:
1) Send to review: 1.1 Weeks
2) First decision: 2.5 Weeks
3) Final decision: 3.5 Weeks
4) Publication: 6.1 Weeks
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 Unported License which allows users to read, copy, distribute and make derivative works for non-commercial purposes from the material, as long as the author of the original work is cited properly.
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