The mediating role of mood dysphoria in the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and self-harming behaviors in adolescents
Early maladaptive schemas, Mood Dysfunction, Self-injurious Behaviors, AdolescentsAbstract
Background and Purpose: Clinical therapists and counselors believe that schemas and attitudes towards emotions are effective in reducing the experience of stress and ultimately preventing and improving the problems of self-harm in adolescents; therefore the aim of this study was to determine the mediating role of mood dysphoria in the relationship between necessary maladaptive designs and self-harming behaviors in adolescents. Research Method: The present study was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of the study consisted of all high school boys in Lodab region, who were studying in the academic year 1399-1398., by cluster sampling in the first stage. Toronto (1986) Mood Dysfunction Questionnaires, Young's maladaptive schemes (YSQ), and Sanson et al. (SHI) were used to collect data. After collecting and extracting the data, the representative companies were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient, multiple regression analysis and path analysis. Results: Findings of direct research pathways showed that between self-harming behavior with emotional deprivation schemes, abandonment / instability, mistrust / abuse, social isolation / alienation, disability / shame, failure, dependence / inadequacy, sanctions against harm And there is significant illness, illness / underdevelopment, obedience, self-sacrifice, emotional inhibition, stubborn standards, merit / greatness, and self-control / self-discipline. There is also a positive correlation between self-injurious behavior with mood dysphoria and difficulty subscales in recognizing emotions, difficulty in describing emotions, and thinking with external orientation. Conclusion: The results of indirect relationship also showed that mood dysphoria plays a significant mediating role in the relationship between early maladaptive designs and self-harming behaviors in adolescents.

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